Saturday, August 13, 2011

Some allegations about Barack Obama have come to my attention. Does he have a radical muslim step-father?

This source of info. states that his father is a black muslim, his mother an athiest, and more importantly his step-father a radical muslim. It goes on to say that Obama's family relocated to Indonesia when he was 6 years old and he attended a Wahabi school in Jakarta that schools children in the radical Muslim teachings followed by the Muslim terrorists that are now waging Jihad against the western world. This source also says that when he was sworn into office the Koran was used instead of the Christian Holy Bible even though he professes to belong to the United Church of Christ. The source states that he will not recite the Pledge of allegience nor will he show any reverance for the US flag. The Muslim terrorists say that they will destroy the US from within. Could these statements be true? Why are they not being brought out in the news media? If these statements are true , sould we even consider electing him to lead our country? The public should be informed.

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