Sunday, August 14, 2011

Toddler tantrum: Can I scream and kick too, b/c that's what I feel like doing!?

I know it's par for the course and I always thought that the term "terrible twos" was such a cliche...but geez Louise it's almost as if some little nymph jumped on my daughter's shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Ok, you're two now, it's time to really bring out the big guns!" The thing is it's almost never in private where she throws her fits; it's in public, for all to see what a terrible mom I must be to have such a fit-thrower for a daughter. Today was no exception; she threw a fit at the laundromat over not being able to go wherever she wanted. She has to stay with me, b/c otherwise she'd go running right out the front door into the parking lot! She threw a huge fit and I took her to the car, strapped her into her carseat, and just let her calm herself. I wasn't about to give in to what she wanted, and let her think she can get her way by throwing fits...but I'm exhausted and it's only 11 a.m.! I need reurance that this will not last forever! Help!

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