Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ladies, do you think this is going to happen?

Sit down and talk to him about it. Voice your concerns and tell him everything you just said here. Have a good one on one conversation and by the end you'll know the answers you're looking for.

Who is hilary clinton going to vote for now she's out of the running

She says osama, but if she gets smarter, she will vote McCain. I hate the idea of throwing your vote towards the other person in your party. Doesn't really mean that person is the right one.

Do you know some dumbbell exercises for whole arm?

Do you know some dumbbell exercises for whole arm? i wnat to develop muscles of my arm. please tell me exercises for a specific areas of arm.

What is the opening song to the Dennis Miller Radio Show?

I think it's violin, and there is a new song with that background music that plays on the radio... any ideas? It plays at the beginning of every Dennis Miller Radio Show.

Do you think the San Diego Chargers can still make the playoffs?

They just lost to the raiders and now their record stands at 6-6. they are tied for second in the AFC west with the raiders. The kansas city chiefs are at the top of the AFC west with a 8-4 record. We still have game against the chiefs in a conference game. if we beat them and they raiders lose their game as well we move up to second in the AFC west. We have another conference game against the broncos as well. If we beat the broncos and the chiefs are record in the AFC west will be 7-4 in the conference and we will be at the top of our conference.

Hello WWE? Lack of character depth is killing the product, fan interest, & careers!?

That's why I can't wait until Bryan Danielson comes back from Florida (they sent him to Florida after his match with Chavo, but it was Bryan's idea, as he feels he has to work off some ringrust first)

What do u just <3 (love) that ur child does?

i love it when abraham wants to snuggle :) to fall asleep or when he comes and gives those random kisses what about little ones ? :)

What is the maximum battery space dimensions in the handguard for the ICS L85A2 AEG?

I'm trying to find out the best battery that can fit into the hand guard. I know that a large Ni-Cad 1700mAh 9.6V battery can fit into the handguard, as shown in the reviews. However, will it fit any other types of large batteries? If you recommend any good batteries please give me link. (I will only accept 9.6V batteries only)

Watergate Scandal HW help?!?

Hey, so could someone tell me about the tapes, and why nixon had them? (they were tapes from the phone conversations), and who disclosed this information? Also, what incident lead up to watergate? Thanks, really appreciate it!

White women and ?

I'm a white woman and I do not like . I do enjoy giving oral, purely for the pleasure of my partner, i get nothing from it. However, I do not think there is a link there. I have actually seen an equal mix of both races in doing . I draw the line at ana though because it hurts. Why do something that is going to hurt? My partner shouldn't want me to experience pain while we do something that should be pleasurable. I think you are over generalizing and reaching a little on this one. I believe rather than a race thing is purely an individual preference thing.

Earth quake in new zeland?

Im from San Antonio Texas and i want to be earthquake pre pared.. im right by the exit all animals are the by exit we are not prone to earthquakes BUT just incase the Unexpected happens We are prepared with a Earthquake alarm *got it from California* its about 10 seconds before the actual earthquake anyways lately we have been having tremors they have ranged from 1.0 to 2.3 ... on my electronic seismograph has recorded multiple little earthquakes in the last 7 months are you prepared?

Globial Warming Hoax.?

CO2 emission causes destructive changes on weather patterns which is laughable now with 2008 being a cooling period. Well would a good word for changes in weather patterns be called since we live in on a globe surrounded by layers of different gases. Now with those fractiors add in the sun's rays and wind and cloud patterns would not the best words for global warming be a hoax. We know that most CO2 is absorbed by clouds before it reaches the atmosphere. Then sent back to earth in form of rain back to the oceans. Where most comes from. Instead be called the Randomized Global Rotational Weather Patterns? That way we can get on with life instead of worrying about a carbon footprints?

Songs- Alright i need songs people! Country or rap only?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Are there people out there who think Mike Huckabee comes across as a bigot?

I'm sure there is some that will agree with you. Some will not and some will call you an idiot for even asking the question.

Fabulous Ideas for Potluck?

We are having a farewell potluck on Thursday as my department is shutting down. Anyone got any mind blowing potluck recipes to share? We've done them all and I'm all used up on pasta, meat, Asian salad, snicker salad and such. HELP!

Will the royal wedding be the first reenactment wedding of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun?

hitlers wedding was never celebrated nor copyed, since the royal wedding will take place on exactly the same day as hitlers and evas, will we see a sieg hail or two?

Could someione help me i chose D all of these questions and got them wrong on my test any help?

Answering D is correct for the first three of these questions. For the last, it is incorrect as phenolphthalein is pink, not green, in basic solution.

I've got a low self-esteem and no confidence?

Get through school as quickly as possible....once you are out and off to college you will realize how dumb and insignificant all that mess is anyway.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why do conservative bigots think that the threat of socialism/communism is going to make me support them?

If the country goes down in flames, you deserve it for being such bigots. I couldn't care less about a country of bigots.

What is a good choice comforter set for my room?

I will admit, the white is very elagent and you can have your room any color you want, but you may set yourself up for an easily stained comforter. The black and white I root for the most. It also goes with everything, elegant looking, and also gives you more room for error. I think that you will have the best of both worlds with your first choice. You have good taste.

RNA Pol II has a carboxy-terminal domain (CTD)?

Is it true that RNA Pol II is the only RNA polymerase out of all the RNA polymerases (I,II,III) of Eukaryotes that has this CTD tail? Thank you for the help :)

Good romantic books where a couple agrees to marry because one of them needs help keeping a child?

Love Inspired are Christian romances and a lot of the stories have plots like the one you mentioned. Check out their website,

What to wear at this funeral (read details please)?

Wear pink to match the shoes. Just don't wear all colors... People might think you're happy he died..

How much magnesium is in hershey's cocoa powder?

hello everyone how much magnesium is in hershey's cocoa powder. i think the serving size is 1 tablespoon so how much magnesium is in 1 tablespoon.

Interpreting Shakespeare?

Congrats for taking on Shakespeare!! Everyone sees shakespeare a little differently, but I believe that the Friar is speaking about being patient in love and making it last, rather than rushing in and leading with pion instead of love. One thing that helped me understand this book, which I absolutely love, was the movie with Leonardo DeCaprio and Claire Danes. It modernizes everything except the language. It is a great movie, if your parents approve of you watching it! Good luck!!

What's going on with my weight?

The problem is your body no longer uses that food to grow, for example grow your muscles, your height etc.... so what it does now is stores that food as fatty deposits therefore the more you eat the bigger you get. i had exactly the same problem as you. went to the docter they said i should eating to much.... i cut down and now im back to 175 pounds. theres no point in visiting the doctor because they'll say exactly the same to you

Just tell me what you think?

wow, pretty powerful, is "he" death? Perhaps the loss of a love one, and you think "he" will lead you back to the one you love that already died?

Help please. Is it good that I'm the first girl that would be in a relationship with him?

I found out that the guy I like is taking his time to "hang out" b/c his family has many relationship problems. His parents are separated but sometime get back together and then separate again. His sisters have problems with guys as well. He told me that in his family you are by yourself and he said that he doesn't have much luck with women. Could this mean that I'm actually the first girl he's interested in? Is this an ok thing? He would be my first guy as well, so its not bad, but is it ok his family has relationship problems and this could make him skid-dish for a relationship?

NFL Fantasy Week 3 Question?

Can someone help me. Should i start Eli Manning VS The Buccaneers or Matt Ryan VS The Patriots. And should I Put Pierre Thomas or Jeremy Shockey as my wild/flex?

This is so confusing... please advise :(?

You need to inform them of all your plans regarding your leave. That way they can find help to fill in your spot.

I don't think that my coach likes me?

so a few days ago we were up at the mountain snowboarding and i was going too fast and accidentally ran into someone. although i barely hit her, the point is that i did and it was all three of our faults (me, the girl i hit, and the girl who cut me off). i got yelled at by my coach and he told the istant coach what happened and neither one talked to me the rest of the day. im at a snowboard boarding school and i feel like i cant talk to anyone right now. i feel like my coaches hate me. its getting really hard because i am the youngest and worst one here. i just want to go home. should i just be quiet from now on ad focus on school and boarding? can someone give me some advice?

Binary search algorithm?

5. But here is an explanation that won't do you any good, it is because the entropy of each element is about equal to 0.1598.

When ur ex rudy dumps you then gets a new gf and ....?

Say some encouraging things...and yeah I agree...I know it might be hard but tell him how you feel...don't let someone Else's decisions in their life ruin yours...but DON'T NOT talk to them about it...say what you think but then again try to be kind about it... :)

How good is Fergie?

Hey and that is coming from a Lfc supporter very good of you. He is a legend in football now and he has seen of two Chelsea managers.

Who gave Islam it's lunar calendar ? Seems strange that an imperfect calendar should come from God?

As Muahammad was a Messenger of God (not only Prophet) why is the calendar imperfect ? Perhaps it was to be temporary until the next Messenger (no more prophets) would appear.

How can I help my baby girl that possible be teething?

take a q-tip dip it in some clove oil and run it along the gums, its natural, and it numbs the pain.

Why has Martha blocked me?

Martha I'm sorry but I just checked my 360 today and seen the e-mail you sent me. I tried to reply but it wouldnt let me. I hope you don't think I ignored you because I promise I didn't! SORRY!!!!

What does Spy gate have to do with Denver Broncos scandal?

Most likely because Josh McDaniels is a former offensive coordinator for the Patriots. Remember the whole "spy gate" term originated a few years back when Belichick was caught spying on the Jets defensive signals, and they attempted to use that information. But they were caught in the act thus considered cheating. In terms of McDaniels, it was pretty much the same thing. I guess many fans in the NFL link McDaniels to what happend with the Pats because of him being a former coordinator there, and some figure Belichick must produce "cheaters".

Can't electromagnetic force field technology be used to bring down aircrafts or make them lose their bearings?

Yes an electromagnetic pulse can be ruinous to any aircraft.For a good demonstration watch the James Bond movie Golden Eye.There is no relation to radioactive isotopes.It is doubtful the insurgents in Afghanistan have the sophisticated equipment necessary to produce electromagnetic pulses or force fields.Airplanes and helicopters are fragile craft and require both regular and thorough maintenance.They are probably not getting it in the combat conditions of Afghanistan which would explain the many crashes.

Finding fraction of sample?

In SO2Cl2 -> SO2 +Cl2 the reaction is first order and has a rate constant of 2.2x10^-5/s at 593K. How do I find the fraction of the SO2Cl2 sample that will remain if it is heated for 5 hours at 593K?


So far there is no secondary cles in the game, other wise known as the specialization cl. However it is rumored that a future download for the game, will have a mission that will put these secondary cles back into the game, and also extend the level cap some more. However this is just a rumor and we will have to wait and see if Bioware does anything like this.

Bleaching colored hair at home? Do I use a color remover or just start bleaching?

My hair is a medium to dark brown color, my goal is to get to a medium to light blonde. It has permanent dye with semi-permanent on top. So should I use a color remover like color oops first? I've heard negative things about hair color strippers so I'm weary. I've used bleach before but not a stripper. So should I start the bleach process or strip it first?

I need to talk to someone about wavers?

Ok here goes i am waiting on a surgen genrals waver right now and i was wondering if anyone has any idea on the wait time for one and 2 if the first sgt from recruting command and the army counselors are working together to get the wavers is there a good chance that the waver will come through and if soemone has an idea i would really like to talk to them if they have aim or yahoo messanger hit me up telli311 is my sn on both

What difference would there be in the rolling resistance between a tyre that is 28c and one that is 32c?

Idf inflated to about the same pressure, there is very little rolling resistance between a 28 and a 32 mm tire. In fact, on rougher surfaces, the wider tire will roll better, even at a slightly lower pressure. Of course a narrower tire is more aerodynamic, but if you aren't going much over 30 kph it won't matter. The only other area where a narrower tire has an advantage is weight. All this is uming that the 2 tires are of equal quality. A cheap, heavy 32 mm tire won't roll well, so if you decide to switch, make sure that they install top quality tires

Does it affect the brain to be forced to become right handed?

When I was a little girl I was left handed but my teachers forced me to change .I have problems with my bodily coordination: in general I am very clumsy. I have always blamed my teachers for that, but perhaps I am being unfair. I want to know,

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

AFL big V jumper?

I saw them in the AFL store in Adelaide last week, alongside the 'dream team' jumpers. Try contacting them or the AFL directly, they would probably be happy to put you onto someone who can get you one.

Atkins good or Bad?

It is excellent if you do it right. You can eventually have fruit after you have gone through the carb ladder, as well as whole grain food products. It's not an all you can eat fat/bacon fest. You still have to have balance and moderation, but it's easier because you eventually lose your cravings for bad carbs if you stick with it and do it right!!

Feeling quite sick!!! please help?

sounds like you may have eaten or have drinken something that has upset your stomach and it sounds like your stomach is bloated not swollen but anyways i would say just eat a bland diet for a day or so like crackers soup broth toast etc.and just drink water and alot of it and maybe take some pepto bismol i hope you feel better soon

How to fix my samsung 32'LCD tv?

my samsung 32'LCD tv has broken bought a month ago and is just sitting there. Unfortunately i was told by random people its not worth fixing, though i would love to be able to do it myself. The symptoms are that when i turn it on there is no picture but still sound, i have tried changing the source and channels and leaving it switched off for days. Presumably the backlight has broken, so i would appreciate if anyone could tell me how to fix it and what would the cost be

What do you think of these names?

teagan mackenzie does not sound girly or feminine but however the other two are very nice. Alfie kane also does not sound nice but the other two are good.

Will there always be some people who hate my father just for being enormously wealthy?

He is a successful turf accountant and a multimillionaire who is not entirely indifferent to the poor, but is not the sort of chap who will give money to beggars or visit homeless shelters. He is wary of people who could be violent (i.e. an sports fan walking around with a can of stella artois), and will never use public transport. He is a Christian, but appreciates that none of us can always be completely selfless (we all must think of ourselves at some point if we want to be successful in a capitalist world). Does this mean that many people less fortunate will always have an antipathy towards people like him? We should all make some endeavour to be altruistic, but ultimately we will all fall short in some way.

Can people really have a way with animals?

Everybody says ''i have a way with animals'' Like every animal loves me. My dads gf brought over her new kitten, for me to watch it, and he was scared of everything. And by an hour, he would lay on my chest, if everybody else picked him up, he'd jump out of their arms. My aunties dog Mandy (golden retriever), completely bonded with me when i met her, she follows me alot too. When i went to my mom's friends house for the first time horse back riding, after getting off one of the horses, i remember feeling something on my shoulder, and i looked and the horse had his head over my shoulder, like he wanted me to give him attention. So i started rubbing his chin and when i was leaving the corral he was trying to follow me. Is it true people can have a way with animals? And how does that work? Why do animals love certain people so much when you barely even bonded with them? And when i was volunteering at a pet shelter, i had to clean the cat litter boxes, and we let the cats out of the kennels into the room they were in, and they were always by me, and my friend was there too, and only one out of the six was by her. Im sure they just want attention because they barely get any, but why wouldn't they go to her?

Can I workout and run while I'm drunk/buzzed?

I know this is a bit of an odd question. But I do drink spirits regularly, and I was wondering if I could like workout and run, even if I'm just buzzed? I never drink enough to puke, and I wonder if being buzzed/drunk would deter the pain from the leg muscles if I were to run on the treadmill, which is what I usually do.

I want to loose 40 pounds over the summer?

ok so im 14 and i weigh about 160 and im 5'4''....i think thats how much i wiegh on a normal scale it says i wiegh about 154 sooo lol i dont wanna b that fat well any ways i carry my weight pretty well but i reeaaallllyyy want to loose weight im about to start high school and i really want have the best yrs of my life and looks are an important part of that...dont want it to b but its tru and a good wieght for me would b about 129 according to my doctor... so my ? lol finally is how can i do that?? i need to loose about 40 pounds over the summer (i know its less than 129 but i want a little room in case i dont make it or in case i gain some bak) soo please help me im willing to work out (no other way really) im about to talk to my parents about joining a gym so i mostly wanna loose the weight around my stomach so a workout plan and a diet to follow that would help me to this goal would b amazing!!!!! pleaeee pleese help me!!! i really want this to work out

I have a combi boiler&the temperature of the hot water constantly changes&rarely ever gets very hot?

I would just like it to maintain a good hot water temperature. A friend is in the trade has recommended a Thermistor fault. Obviously I would need a Gas Safe engineer to carry out the works but is it like;y to be this part?

Would you go? your opinion pls?

Because of age you cannot be left alone,but think of the party as something exciting,its worth going with the thought in mind that you will love it,and don't be shy,just eat what you want,smile at others,plus there might be other children there.

Am I too old for this kind of reaction?

I'm almost 14 and from Mississippi. Today when I got home from school I got in a fight with my mom. I have been very mouthy to her recently, and I admit I am in the wrong. Today I got much uglier and went further than I ever had before, and my mom gave me a . In fairness, she did warn me, but I didn't take her seriously (just didn't think she'd go that far at my age). I talked to her about it afterwards (we have a great, open relationship) and she said that since nothing else was working, and since she knows that pain is what I fear the most (which is true), that she was left with little choice. I guess I'm just surprised that this happened at my age. I haven't gotten a in' since I was like 9 or 10, and I hadn't even been threatened with one in a year or two. Although part of that is because I am mostly pretty well behaved. I don't want to start off a whole debate (I'm not anti ), I just was shocked that this could happen at my age and wanted the thoughts of other parents on what happened. Was my mom as out of line as I feel she was? Or was she spot on?

Acne seriously effecting my life? Does lymecycline really work?

Yes continue to take the lymecycline for the 3 months [ 3 months is a 'trial' time ], if it doesn't improve in 3 months go back to the doctor and try a different method to treat your acne a href="" rel="nofollow"

The reduction division that separates two haploid complements from each other is called?

B). Meiosis - the reduction division producing 4 haploid cells(gametes) from one diploid parent cell.

Do you like Chi-Chi better? Or Bulma?

I like Bulma better because she's very intelligent. She invented the Dragonball radar and other stuff. And then she and Vegeta make a hot couple.

Turkey Swedish Meat for Crock Pot?

Does anyone have a good recipe for slow-cooker Swedish meat made with ground turkey & cream of mushroom soup? I had such a recipe before, but cannot find it. A recipe using ground beef would be okay, I can swap out the beef for turkey, but really want to use mushroom soup as an ingredient & in the crockpot. Can't use frozen meat, as we are on a restricted diet & have to cook them from scratch. Thanks for any help.

How/why did the huygens probe which was sent to explore Titan it stop working ?

i read that it relayed data for an hour but it was no where mentioned as to why did it stop working . if you could please help thanks!

Ovarian cysts and pregnant...?

Ok! So my Hubby and I have been TTC for about 9-10 months now and finally yesterday I got 3 BFP!!! Yay me! So anyway I have had a cyst on my right ovary for some time and felt that may be the reason for such a long wait. I have noticed in the past few days that I am having pain in my right ovary that feels the same as my ovulation time. You know that tug and pull(sometimes a little bit sharp) pain from my cyst. Should I worry about my pregnancy. Is there a high chance that I may miscarry? Does anyone have experience with this? I have an appointment with my OB next Wednesday.

How hard is Beethoven's moonlight sonata 3rd movement?

It's a huge jump from Rach prelude and Clair de Lune, but it's a step down from Hungarian Rhapsody (are you sure it's an "intermediate piece?") In terms of Beethoven piano works, the 3rd mvt is around late intermediate to early advanced. I recommend you learn a few Beethoven sonatas before trying this one. I recommend the 3rd mvt of the Tempest Op. 31 no. 2, The 1st mvt of Op. 31 no. 1. Op. 10 no. 1, Op. 2 no. 1, Op. 2 no. 2, and maybe the 2nd and 3rd mvts of the Pathetique Op. 13. The 1st mvt of the Pathetique is a little easier than the Moonlight 3rd, but it's still up there in late intermediate Beethoven.

What running back should i choose for my fantasy football team?

I would choose AP simply because of explosiveness and speed. He says his goal is 2k yards this year, and I wouldn't doubt him. Favre throwing the ball will only help him as he now gets more red zone opportunities. Michael Turner might have an off season as he had a huge work load last year. Forte is a great option as well, but I prefer AP. Hope this helps

Czech potato salad recipe?

Yesterday we ate at a lovely Czech restaurant and had ordered potato salad as a side dish. It had egg, pickles and parsley(?) for sure in it. Does anyone have a good recipe that might match this? Thank you very much!

If humans now have the ability to write well written thought provoking fantasy tales?

I understand where you are coming from, but the one thing I have a problem with is that the Bible seriously lacks adjectives. Compare it to all the myths/fairy tales during the period of 1513 BCE - 96 AD, and it is the worst written fairy tale ever. It just states events, no interesting descriptions or character development.

Should I buy the Dell XPS 1330 ?

The Dell XPS M1330 is a pretty good laptop. All the specs are good except for your video card. It only has 128 MB of memory, you would need a better one for gaming. But, it will be able to handle everything else. As for the Asus G1, you would need to give more details about it. My recommendation is that you get the larger XPS M1530 instead since it has the 256 MB video card which is a little better for gaming, it will cost about the same as the XPS M1330. For internet security, you should avoid Norton and get either Kaspersky or McAfee since they have better features and are easier to use.

When did Saddam Hessain died?

He didn't die, they just substituted him for the "As Seen On TV" guy. Oh, he's dead too? Well I guess he is the manager of the South Detroit McDonalds . . .

Flu... Swine flu... Help?

Ok on Friday I got a tingle in my throat and the Saturday I felt dizzy and slightly rough... Since Sunday I have been in my bed! To begin with I was dizzy, sore throat, ear aches,fever headache, muscle ache, cough bunged up... And feel sick everytime I try eat something! Today my throat is killing me and I'm exhuasted and still feel sick... As u all no it's Christmas in 4 days i need to be better! Anyone got any tips or anything on getting better fast! And how long does it normally last??

Father gave 6-month old prunes without mother's consent is that OK?

My granddaughter's 18 yr old father gave her prunes and Karo syrup to battle what he said was constipation. My daughter, the mom, doesn't know if the baby was given enough formula during the course of the day to know if maybe the constipation was due to the lack of fluid. Without ever having prunes introduced to her diet do we need to worry? She did have a normal bowel movement the next day

How do I ask him out?

well first i would ask around to make sure he likes u. then if u find out he does then txt him or slip a note in his locker when hes not around that way nobody else has to know about it. when, do it when ever u feel comfortable but dont wait too long before he goes with some one else. what to say is pretty easy. just say hey hows it going and say i was wondering if u would like to go to the winter dance with me. short and sweet and to the point. if he says yes say awesome and u cant wait. if hes excited about it to maybe give him a hug or something. if he says no then u say ok thats cool and leave it as that. i was shy around girls and i think that would be a good way to be asked out. hope i helped a little good luck!

Why do I feel so different and left out? Advice?

That's really stupid, its great to be unique. If the guys don't like you because of your race, they're too shallow for you anyways.

A war between the USA Vs China?

As a former Officer in the Military I must say that you are wrong. China and the U.S.A. do not nor will they go to war. President Obama, please use his proper tittle and show respect, will not be impeached. What are the charges of impeachment? Please clarify your facts before posting a question and don't mention this question verbally to anyone because people and so-called friends are laughing behind your back.

What are some printable coupons for windsor, Aerie and Forever 21?

I'm going shopping in a few days and I want to spread my money out the farthest. I hope someone can help find me some printable coupons for these few stores! Thanks :)

How much money do i get at gamestop for these games and ps2's?

sorry man but its not possible to say, these dudes change there payouts daily so you will need to go in and ask on the day.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My dog just had puppies and wont leave them to go use the bathroom?

She had her puppies last night and hasnt been out yet, i ask her if she wants to "go outside" (normally she jumps up at this) but she just lays there and kind of looks at her puppies like i can't. One time she did get out the door but as soon as i shut it she was crying and howling to go back in. Will she eventually go or do i need to get her some newspaper to go on or what?

How do I become a State Trooper?

Ask Sarah Palin. Just don't get romantically involved with any of her family member. Okay, I'll give you a more serious answer. You should contact the PA state government to inquire about it.

Can someone give me a list of things possible to crochet?

I am just starting out, but I need some projects to practice with. I would like to end up selling some of the things I make. Can someone give me a list of both easy-hard things to make? Help me get 10 stars!!!

Meaning of this quote?

“ Few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very foundations of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stock holders as possible”

For the Game boy game Harvest Moon 2 i was wondering how to use the miracle potion on your cow?

Pretty straightforward. I tried having the potion in my hand and going up to the cow and pressing the on but it hasn't seemed to work.

I need help with a word puzzle well not exactly?

Ok so i have a work sheet (it says algebra on it..though isnt math related)and it has roses in a circle.So it would be ring around the rosie.And Mce 3 times.Mice with out the"I" 3 blind mice.Another is man|board man over board.And so on.And The only ones i cant figure out are the one that says TOUCH diagnol and thought clever.Not sure what the mean.So any ideas?

Quick fun poll: What biblical character do you think you are most like and why?

I think I'm most like Martha because I "worry about a great many things", get too involved with tasks, but on the other hand enjoy serving others and love Jesus so much!

A magical object or objects that I could use in writing a more cool fantay novel?

How about a very special baby boy named Kilian. His mother saved his Baptismal candle and they only lit it on very special occasions and when they did ...they [the family] would all make a wish but the scary part was that all the wishes came true...good or bad....only the boy who was later to be named Prince Kilian could make things be continued by a real writer not just a mom.

What should i do?!! CRISIS(i would underline it but i cant!)!?

Right we ahve a rounders team at school, 10 or 9 people get picked to play. We have 2 teachers but they dont coach at the same time. at the practice most people come along. Not all the people who come along can play very well, so when it comes to picking of the team lets say coach A picks the team (All the good people and some alright players and then someone who cant catch throw or hit.) I never minded it. But when it came to the game the person who wasn't very good didnt do anything, just stood there we tried to throw her the ball but she didnt catch, when she came to hitting she didnt hit ect. Its not as if there wasnt anyone that didnt want to play. And Coach B took us for the game aganist another school, when the girl couldnt catch the ball and just stood there she asked her why she was picked to play, and said that there is plenty of other people that go to the club who can play and want to be in the team, so basically we lost the game, the girl was crying most of the team said some comments like you only needed to catch the ball or you could of at least tried. well the thing is she go tpicked again and some of the team dont like it becos we cant win a game wiht her on the team and we dont know what to do !! so we really need your help PLEASE ! x THank you X we thought that we could talk to Coach B or leave it talk to the girl or just leave it completey.

How good is the sansa fuze mp3 player?

i might get a sansa fuze mp3 player tomorrow and i was wondering just how good they are. the only reason im concerned abut getting it is that i read that it has FM radio on it. and in my experience, things with radio/ that pick up radio usually suck. so how good is this product? also, what program would i use to download music onto it for free, besides limewire or frostwire?

I'm making a facebook page for my friends baby shower. Help?

I haave to make it on her facebook to invite all the people she wants. I'm making it as an event. Is there any way I can make us both moderators on this? Thank you!

Fantasy Football Trade Advice?

I would not go through with that trade at all. Harrison is old and hurt, Helbeck has no running game. Fitzgerald is a monster and Jones is horrible. Garrard is going to have a solid year with a little better wideouts and will only get better with more starting time. Garcia is always a solid fantasy option. the 2 QBs you have are more then enough .

What is your most memorable dream?

mine is: i was walking down the street in a big city when people started screaming" run its a tsunami " so went into a movie theater and inside there was people selling tickets to a train that was leaving to mars. i over heard the conductor saying that ninjas had stolen the key to the train so when to rescue it and we all left to mars with a monkey who tied up the conductor driving the train

Which of dan brown's novel is the best?

I did enjoy the da vinci code but it had so much hype that put me off it to some extent. Angels and demons is probably my favourite - although I believe that is being made into a film too. It won't be anywhere near as good as the book.

Menopause belly fat, please help?

at the end of 50 ive noticed belly fat that wont go away with exercise or cardo this happens for women entering menopause i need serious help,because im very fit and have worked out for 20ys and have a great body, now i feel all my hard work has failed,nothing is working, im trying to do more running that seems to be working a little, i dont know this is sad for me as i have worked out all my life i dont know what to do anymore i cant even where pants,and i wont where band pants ,ill kill my self first, anyone know anything ??can a women still have a flat stomach at 50? tell me what to do i dont have money for sergery

Prince Charles converts his wine to ethanol fuel; was it unfit to drink in the first place?

Yes the wine was undrinkable, the wine was spoilt so it would have been poured down the drain if it wasn't converted to fuel. Alot of wine makers abroad do this and power various machinery, so it well worth while using something that would have only been poured away.

Can i ride in a Kangaroo's Pouch?

Im not trying to be wierd or anything. i can imagine that the pouch is very soft and fluffy. anyway, im 13, turning 14 on October 29, 2010. im about 5 foot 5 and 102 pounds, and am a boy... also, how much would a kangaroo cost?

In need of some insight regarding church matters?

I've been apart of a church for about 2 years now, and I need some input as far as how this church is ran. I think that the pastor and his wife are beautiful people, as far as them going out of their way to do things for people, but their ministry is a bit demanding. They hold two full services during the week(tues and thurs) and have service on sundays, with the occasional double service. They have two to three weeks worth of revivals at the beginning of every year, the yearly pastoral celebration, which begins with a week full of services, along with a banquet, then theres their annual womans conference, which is a three day event held at an upscale hotel, then theres holy convocation, which is like a week long service, then theres a leadership conference which is a two day event held at an upscale hotel, then theres other banquets and functions held by affiliated pastors in which our pastor deems it mandatory that all members to attend. The church also requires members to never attend service empty handed, having tithes and offerings(and I know about how important these tithes and offerings are to ministry), along with monthly mens dues, womans dues, and leadership dues if you hold a leadership position. Along with the holidays sowing into the pastor and his family with set amounts. It becomes overwelming alot of times. Being recently laid off from my job, and set to attend school for a degree, I feel like crap after every service cause I'm reminded of my current financial situation, when come offering time and folks are asked to dig alittle deeper.And they say every service you should leaved a changed individual. It gets to the point where I never wanna set foot in another church for the rest of my life sometimes. You're drawn in to these churches where they claim to not be traditional churches who only have bible study on wednsdays, and sunday services, yet people I know who attend these churches seem more happy and fulfilled serving God and are able to live their lives. I'm truely not happy here, doing the best that I can. When I started this walk, I used to read the Bible and pray daily, and now everything is just a routine, like I'm a robot going along cause pastor says so, and it sucks. I remember before I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, when I thought that I had a good understanding of spirituality, I felt more fulfilled than I do now, going out of my way to help people, not cause pastor says so, but because I felt it in my heart to do so. I felt more growth in my life as an individual, than I do now. Its like I miss those days, which is like a no-no for born again believers being that Christianity is an exclusive religion, meaning that the belief is that this is the one and only true way. I leave church stressed out. And church-hopping ain't cool, especially cause alot of the pentecostal/evangelical churches that I have visited have the same agenda pretty much. Keeping the people so busy that they can no longer think for themselves. And mind you, I partake in praise and worship, as the guitarist. So you would think that I would be excited to go to church. Any advice about this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read.

Why does my dog..............?!??!?

you might of dropped some food on it. do you have other pets? if they sat there, they might lick where they had been. i wouldnt worry about it. but Iams does torture their dogs, so i would never feed that to them, its also not the best quality food. try Nutro, they are very good.

BJ Upton Or Carl Crawford?

Crawford is a free agent this year, and it doesn't look like the Rays will resign him, so it looks like Upton will stay.

Will both Houston teams do some damage in Football this year?

Houston has no QB so no playoffs for them. Schaub has been overrated since his 1 good game with ATL.

Help! What do you think of this characters's names? Is it good or not?

Hi, everyone. I need your opinions for this characters of my new story and its important to me please. Thanks. Be honest with me please. Thanks. Any suggestions for this characters are welcome. Thanks. :) This story is set in Melbourne, Australia around 1012 and its romance, horror, mystery and drama. Here are my characters that I finally decide to chose for my story are: #1. Anita Rivera - Alexander (she's spanish/american young woman with her dark past and live with her adoptive family in Australia). No suggestion for this character because I loved the name for the female character. :) #2. Neil Kimura (He's irish/japanese young man and the top lawyer. And he has hot for Anita). Also I like Liam as well so I need your opinion for this character please. Thanks. Any suggestion are welcome. :) #3. Elaine Paikea (She's french/new zealander - maori young woman. She's best friend and close sister of Anita who live with her since her family adopt Anita to live with her many years ago) Any suggestion and opinion for this character will be great. Thanks. :) #4. Bethel Antwan (She's african/american young woman and step sister of Anita). Also I really like Mary, Jessica, Ariel and Maria so much so I need your opinions and suggestion for this character please. Thanks. :) #5. Louisa Joan Alexander (She's half sister of Anita and Bethel. Also she have a son from her previous marriage) Also I really like Veronica and Alison so much so any suggestion and opinions for this character will be great please. Thanks :) #5. Is Black suitable for Henry? Any suggestion are welcome and he's villian and racist guy. #6. Rawiri Paikea (He's the husband of Diane and the father of Anita and Elaine). Any suggestion and opinions will be great. #7. Diane Paikea (She's full french and she's the wife of Rawiri) Any opinions and suggestions are welcome for this character. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it for it. :)

Why do straight guys hate female pop artists?

ok so I'm gay..but not flaming gay.. but i still like mainstream pop music just like a lot of people do. But why is it that I run into many straight guys that "hate" them.. some examples would be rihanna, christina, kelly clarkson, beyonce..etc... whats the problem? Is it a pride thing? Are you guys afraid of admitting you like them? Be honest!!! I wanna hear from straight guys!!!!

I think this is what JBL meant by ''Making History''.?

I hope so but that wouldnt really be "making history" i think he interferes in shawn vs undertaker

Boo hoo; sniff sniff. I'm SOOoo proud of the Lions. It’s Da Bears next week. Can they win 2 in a row?

i am so happy that they won... they needed this win SO bad. i believe that they can win the next couple games!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why is the synonym book not including older words?

there are words missing such as rash hasty impulsive unendangered bold whipcord precipitous deathblow dismemberment disembowelment corotid many more. please help

Spider veins on early pregnancy?

It took me a week and a half after my missed period to pick up a positive pregnancy test, but in regards to you blue spider veins on your chest. YES, that is a sign. If they start from like the top part of your working it's way into your nipple region. Yes. I had that (before) I found out I was pregnant. I knew it. I just knew I was! I've never had anything like that before.

True or false? Can you please help?

Did you pay attention at all in cl? Take a look in your textbook glossary for the answers you want someone else to give you.

My sis is allergic to everything and is pregnant. she is due jan. 31st and she gets itchy blisters on her bely?

she can only eat home made food and stuff like that. shes due the 31st and shes been getting itchy red blisters on her belly and her doctor told her not to worry. she said that lots of pregnant women get them and theyll go away a couple days after delivery. ive never heard of this though. has anyone?

What game should I buy?

I am thinking about these games: Brink, Red faction Armageddon, Duke Nukem, Hunted demons forge, Portal 2, Crysis 2, or Mortal Kombat or any other game you think is worth buying. My birthday is this monday and need a new game to play all my other ones are old and boring and i havent gotten a new game since fall out new vegas so I have a wide range to pick from. I would rather not wait a month for a game to come out so please don't suggest gears of war 3 or elder scrolls V or even Dead island try to keep it in early June. Thanks for the help!

I need a audition song for "Music Man Jr"?

You Got Trouble is the Harold Hill song that gives most actors a problem... so try "I Am The Very Model of A Modern Major General" from The Pirates of Penzance. It's a patter song, where you have to spit out the words.

Please, please help! Reading is painful! What should I do?

I'm about to be a high school senior and I've been sort of a recluse for 5 years. To me life is very bleak and I don't do much except waste time by doing things like playing video games. I believe doing well in academics would likely lead to a better future and I take some interest in some subjects. However, I have this belief of doing things well and not reinforce bad habits (Ex: Holding chopsticks the wrong way for many years). Unfortunately, I have OCD and this has been taken to the extreme. My brain makes me HAVE to be perfect. So, I didn't read well for a time and that led to me questioning my reading method. I learned about eye movements in reading and became extremely obsessed with reading "correctly", moving my eyes perfectly. But, I can't follow all the directions from wikipedia and everything. Now, I keep thinking about reading perfectly and I can't even get past a paragraph of a SpongeBob book. Help!

What do you think will happen if President Obama reinstates the so-called Fairness Doctrine? Rioting?

The public owns the air waves, not corporations. And, when it was in effect in years past, the world did not stop turning.

It was reported that Osama bin Laden was unarmed when he was killed?

Why would the US govt NOT want to take him alive? How is it that Saddam Hussein was captured alive and unarmed but not Bin Laden? Wouldn't interrogating the man on top of the Al Qaeda pyramid have unraveled the entire network and opened up new info regarding 9/11? Why after 10 yrs,2 wars,5000+ american deaths,countless iraqi and afghani deaths,trillions of dollars, Loss of several freedoms and a the biggest worldwide manhunt in history for the man who was behind this was he not captured and interrogated? Kill him? Ok sure, but why not after finding out what he knows,and knew?

Which team do you think will win the "if it ain't broken don't fix it" award in the nba this season?

could if be suns with that useless trade they made with shaq and marion? or the grizzlies with the pau gasol trade? who do you think should win it?

Anything I can do about this itching tummy?

Im currently 38 weeks and my tummy is just driving me crazy it itches SO BAD!! I am now starting 2 get small stretch marks, 6 so far :(( , here and there at the very bottom of my tummy right in the middle which I can see when I look at them in the sun and really really want 2 just scratch the crap out of them! But I was told, actually every day by my mom that if I scratch them it will make them bigger and darker and uglier so I have bought palmer's cocoa er, vitamin e, mother's special blend, baby oil, vasiline cocoa er and they all make my tummy soft and pretty especially the mother's specail blend but none of them help relive the iching and slight buring. Any suggestions on what might help with this??

Spanish: What did the following subjects like to do when they were young? yo / t� / nosotros / ellos...?

What did the following subjects like to do when they were young? Write 1 sentence each (4 sentences total) in Spanish using the following subjects: yo / t� / nosotros / ellos. Remember to use the imperfect tense. SAMPLE ANSWER: Ricardo montaba la bicicleta de ni�o.

Will someone answer this earth systems question for me i dont understand it ?

In the Antarctic Ocean, there is a significant amount of phytoplankton (phytoplankton are microscopic organisms that do a lot of photosynthesis) that live near the surface. (A) Predict an effect of severe ozone depletion on the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (B) Justify your prediction by describing one or more cause/effect relationship.

How do i use mla format on a macbook?

i really need help with this. my teacher gave us directions but its for a microsoft word. and i don't know how to use it please help me thanks so much!

What will happen to Rafael Nadal?

He held number two for a long time, had that crazy year and overtook Federer. But now he lost the French Open and didn't even play in the Wimbledon. What is his future?

Why thymine is substituted by uracil in RNA?

Uracil is a component of several coenzymes that act in conjunction with enzymes in several processes of carbohydrate metabolism.

Agree or disagree: the proposition system in California should be abolished?

My personal view is that this Progressive experiment has gone far awry of what the Progressives wanted. The idea was that it would give the people a check against government dominated by big money interests, such as the Southern Pacific Railroad. I do not believe they envisioned a system where the big money could itself buy its own legislation through the initiative process. If you could prohibit anybody from paying to have signatures collected, that would be a major reform. However, since it looks like any such bar would be found unconstitutional, I think it is high time to abolish the system. However, despite what to me are its obvious failings, the majority of Californians still seem to support it.

How should i my 9 year old daughter?

my daughter (age 9) has always bean a impulsive rebel. I have tried many different ways of discipline time outs grounding removal of privileges none have worked. Last week she was acting up and i ed her. for the first time she shut up and did as she was told. as works on her i am trying to find out how to properly her as i love her a lot can you tell me in detail the appropriate position clothing implement and number of stokes and anything else that i should know

Is this impressive for colleges?

sure! you won't really know til you get your real sat or act score as to what scholarships you'll get specifically, and scores are generally what they mostly care about, in addition to grades. but you've taken tons of advanced placement cles and will look great! just make sure your gpa is up to par as well, and do as well on the SAT as you did on the PSAT and you'll probably have a free ride!

Can we write off our home- based business?

My mother is a registered physical therapist and works with disabled children at a local school. She also set up a Pilates studio in the basement of her home and has private clients daily. She has her business registered as an LLC and files taxes on her income appropriately. My question is whether she can write off the portion of her home that she uses as a business expense? Are there any stipulations in regards to runnning a business out of a residential home?

Anyone else think that mahela wants the match to be a draw????

the way the match is going sri lanka was batting very slow and was soooo boring to watch...if srilanka wants to win they are going to have to take 20 wickets in 2 days even though they have murli and vaas 20 wickets in 2 days is hard 2 get in test the only conclusion i am ending up with is mahela wants the match to be drawn.....

I can never Get an ...........?

Ok, here goes nothing, I've never had an , I'm so mastered faking it so I don't know when I am faking it or not. I mustarbate now and again and without any toys I always enjoy a full exploxive so I know its certainly not a medical problem however my biggest concern is that, on the first round I get all and ready, and obviously wet, but when I get back the second time i stay dry all the way thru, so it can be quite painfull / unconfortable and unpleasant and worse if the guy takes long to actually ***. even after I stay dry for hours...this is a serious concern.please answer .....I love and I enjoy the process(like ), even when I stay dry, its just I wish I could avoid ...

Has anyone got a picture of ian beale with a beard and biker jacket? (eastenders)?

if anyone could link me to a picture of ian beale when he was wearing a biker jacket and had stubble i would be very grateful. or if someone could tell me what episode and season i can screen shot. please help me i will love you forever

Toddler tantrum: Can I scream and kick too, b/c that's what I feel like doing!?

I know it's par for the course and I always thought that the term "terrible twos" was such a cliche...but geez Louise it's almost as if some little nymph jumped on my daughter's shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Ok, you're two now, it's time to really bring out the big guns!" The thing is it's almost never in private where she throws her fits; it's in public, for all to see what a terrible mom I must be to have such a fit-thrower for a daughter. Today was no exception; she threw a fit at the laundromat over not being able to go wherever she wanted. She has to stay with me, b/c otherwise she'd go running right out the front door into the parking lot! She threw a huge fit and I took her to the car, strapped her into her carseat, and just let her calm herself. I wasn't about to give in to what she wanted, and let her think she can get her way by throwing fits...but I'm exhausted and it's only 11 a.m.! I need reurance that this will not last forever! Help!

Does anyone know of any Wedding Planners in the Indy area that are looking for istants?

Those jobs probably aren't advertised too much. I would suggest call and/or email all wedding planners in the area and provide them with your resume.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What are some good ideas as of where to get a tattoo?

DON'T get a tramp stamp. I know I may be sounding old here, but, though tattoos may seem enjoyable now, they'll ruin your skin later on, and in your older years, you'll be VERY highly regretting you got them in the first place.

Some allegations about Barack Obama have come to my attention. Does he have a radical muslim step-father?

This source of info. states that his father is a black muslim, his mother an athiest, and more importantly his step-father a radical muslim. It goes on to say that Obama's family relocated to Indonesia when he was 6 years old and he attended a Wahabi school in Jakarta that schools children in the radical Muslim teachings followed by the Muslim terrorists that are now waging Jihad against the western world. This source also says that when he was sworn into office the Koran was used instead of the Christian Holy Bible even though he professes to belong to the United Church of Christ. The source states that he will not recite the Pledge of allegience nor will he show any reverance for the US flag. The Muslim terrorists say that they will destroy the US from within. Could these statements be true? Why are they not being brought out in the news media? If these statements are true , sould we even consider electing him to lead our country? The public should be informed.

What animal is this?? lives in a burrow like this? In the UK?

Man that's so cool! Get some friends and go down there? Make sure the animal is out first - if it's an animal. Idk, could just be lots of rabbits? Or could be some funky new thing? Man that's cool, just the idea of it.

How do I download a poke'mon over DS wifi?

Yeah my friend told me about this, supposedly you buy some game at gamestop, use their wifi I think and I'm not sure the rest, check out probably for help!

Can somebody please interpret these two dreams for me?

Your dream being set in a dully lit room shows you aren't feeling secure about the situation at hand and feel a bit left in the dark. The shining light shows that you do have guidance and that you don't have to be in the dark if you let the light shine through. What is happening in the dreams is just showing your insecurities and is showing the worst that could happen in the situation. Your subconscious is just bringing your worries to the fore.

2 part Q. What did Jeff Hardy do that was so bad & why was JBL out so long?

Jeff Hardy Was On Drugs And When He Took This WWE Drug Test He Got Caught. And JBL Lost against Mysterio couple years back and had to retire

Can someone tell me roughly how much it would cost to put a fireplace in a trailer/mobile home?

I would like to put a fireplace in a trailer/mobile home. Roughly how much would it cost? What kind of contractor would you call? I'm sure you could get the really expensive ones, but I was thinking more of what it would cost to install it? Thanks!

What is the best way to arrange furniture in my living room?

The dimensions of the room is 23ft x 14ft with the fireplace in the center of the long wall. I would like that to be my focal point. I have yet to buy any furniture so I'm open to all ideas.

............What's this? C/C?

You having a bad day? Did he pick up his bundle? Has she re-wrapped herself around his a Boa Constrictor? Yeah, I'll just bet she has. Roy's not just an *** he's a dumb one.

I have to create a Tetris game in Java. How do I define bounds? Here is what my code looks like so far.?

Hi, I've never made a tetris clone but I've thought about it some. The important thing is that each piece is really composed of individual squares. It is these squares that should be checked for bounds.. this will make things a whole lot simpler. Or another way to put it is that there really are no pieces - just squares. So when you hit the left or right arrow keys you're really moving 4 separate squares in tandem. For example if one of the falling squares discovers a 'resting' square beneath it, then it will stop falling along with the 3 other falling squares. And it's the same if an individual falling square discovers a floor or wall grid value. It's the same for rotation.. if the projected location for a rotated square is 'full' then the rotation must not be carried out. Otherwise it is free to rotate along with the 3 other related squares (and all 4 squares must be bounds tested before the rotation is allowed to happen).

What is the age limit for a belly on piercing in Machusetts, New Hampshire & Florida?

In Mid-East Florida, the age limit is 15 with parental signature and presence. They also checked/copied my permit and mothers license to verify information.

Heyyy i have sum ques regarding sinus problem?

on 2nd april 2011 i met with an accident and doctor said that ur orbit(eye) diameter was widered and ur sinus fills with fluid & blood and ur bone above sinus was broken.. but till now no fluid &blood was there through any source (nose or mouth). explain me wat to do now and when i saw downwards i saw double objects.. this was d main problem.. plz help me out...

What is the difference between er and vegetable oil spread?

Hi i just recently moved out and started cooking and im so confused about er/margarine/vegetable oil spread... i've bought country crock,bluebonnet,and other brands that say both btuter and margarine and the most recent one i bought was 50% vegetable oil spread because it was big and cheap... ive used it for pancakes and it tastes fine but i just read online that it would be bad to make in say.. cookies and i was wanting to make some. Can someone explain the difference in all 3 and what they are used to cook?

So, it was ok for Saddam to do this?

Saddam was a "good guy" in the 80s (when Reagan was the president and Dubya senior was the vice president).

What educational background is common for a political pollster?

Specifically, what degrees are common? I'm a psych undergrad who will get considerable statistical knowledge after eventually receiving my masters. I love politics and the idea of being a pollster really appeals to me. How would you break into this career?

How much sulfuric acid can be produced from 100 tons of coal if the coal is 2% sulfur by m?

2% of 100 tons is 20 tons of sulfur to be turned into acid. Sulfuric acid has a molecular weight of 98 and sulfur's atomic weight is 32. So, the ratio of sulfur to sulfuric acid is 98/32, which is 3.06, this is called the gravimetric factor. Multiply this times your 20 tons and you get 61.25 tons of acid.

I seriously need someone to help me lose

Have your doctor check your thyroid,hormones,cortisol levels, and blood sugar! You may have syndrome x or PCOS or Cushing's Disease! GO TO A DOCTOR!!

Why is "panties" plural when its a singular item?

Well, keep in mind that "pants", "trousers" and "shorts" are also plural, so I guess any item of clothing designed to separately enclose both legs is a plural (although that doesn't explain why a bra wouldn't be "bras", since it does separately enclose both !).

Does anyone know where i can find a gas fireplace?

i'm looking for the cheapest (but still good quality) gas fireplace... we need the whole set, not just the mantle or logs.... thanks!! :)

Is Edgar Degas a post impressionist or impressionist?

He was one of the many artists that were caught in between... The Impressionist movement began roughly around the 1870's and the Post-Impressionist rebellion was seen as early as the 1880's.

Where are the dolts fans?

hey how many rings do the dolts have?........0......... yeah ill be the first to admit i was excited when the broncos started out 6-0 andi knew after the ravens game they were goin down...i also knew the chargers would get hot and then CRASH in the playoffs...whats that like 4 years in a row now...PATHETIC.... so keep running you mouth dolts fans eveny other team in the divison has a ring WHERES YOURS? Rivers is a joke and will never win a ring LT gets his this year with the jets just like Brees got his last season and rivers will be still talkin **** with no ring i remember a few years ago when your dumb team was 1-15 and all your fans were no where to be seen....Broncos fans never sell out have sold out every game......heard 4 times last year the chargers had to get extensions to sell out and your dumb team was winning...TRUE FANS RIGHT like i said keep the s*** talkin up you jsut make me laugh.

How to use rangefinder on scope?

How do you use the rangefinder on the TASCO R&G illuminated 6-24x50 AOE rifle gun scope? Here's the link for the picture of the crosshairs.,331370089,331370097,331370102&formats=0,0,0,0&format=0

Bank card theft?

The Home office is to advise the police not to handle complaints from the public of bank card theft, but to recommend the victim to contact the bank. It is then for the bank to inform the police (presumably in bulk for statistical purposes) What do you think?

What Am I Doing Wrong?

Your simply turning your fat cells into muscle right now, you should go on line and see what your average should be for , Weight(stones), height, body fat percentage. Then adjust as needed, your work out sound alright , but be careful on your diet, make sure you get what your body graves for , its smarter then you.

Growing out natural hair, half bry orange, half dirty blonde...?

The reason your hair won't hold the color is because you have bleached it so many times that it is porous. To get it to hold some color, you need to go to Sally Beauty and buy protein filler. Get demi-permanent hair color while you are there. This is the least damaging (semi-permanent does contain ammonia). Apply the protein filler and then the demipermanent color. At first it will fade, but you have enough to treat your hair several times. You will probably have to apply the protein filler repeatedly for the color to stop fading, but eventually it will.

Which to buy polaris indy 440 xcr or arctic cat prowler 440?

i have the choice of a polaris indy with 88 studs and a Arctic cat prowler with none both cost 1000 which is your preference and why is there any problems i should look out for in these machines

Is it racist to mistaken a Indian person for African American?

Some races look alike (they have brown skin, black round eyes, jet black hair, etc) so it's not racist but anyone can make that mistake, she sounds racist for hating Black people.

Friday, August 12, 2011

How many people, (CHRISTIANS included) tell their children THE LIE, that santa brings them their presents?

I don't have any kids yet, but if I did I would tell them that Santa brings them presents. When they're old enough, I'll let them in on the Secret Santa Society, and tell them that now THEY can become a member and bring gifts to others.

Computer HELP!!!?

I am getting an Alienware area-51 7500 with a 512MB NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT graphics card with an Alienware 1000 Watt Multi-GPU Approved Power Supply (so i can upgrade to dual graphics cards later) and i was wondering if a Intel Core™ 2 Quad Q6700 2.66GHz 8MB Cache 1066MHz FSB would keep my system running games for 2-3 in the future (i will not be upgrading my cpu)? if not what cpu will keep my system running advanced games at a good speed for 2-3 years?

Where are Gujarati people from?

im gujarati from the pakistan side, we speak punjabi not urdu. punjab basically consists of a majority of sikhs and muslims.

Here is my birth chart on this link. I am confused on the houses. I understand the planets but not the houses?

houses are the phases you go through... house one is aries all the way to twelve which is pisces... they are the lessons.... at least i believe so...

Why does the Christian Reich not respect our Constitution?

Christians aren't governmental. Maybe you should ask the Catholics this. The Vatican is a government.

Edgar Allan Poe?

The main themes of "Tamerlane" are independence, pride, loss and exile. Poe probably based the poem on the loss of his early love, Sarah Elmira Royster, his mother Eliza Poe or his foster-mother Frances Allan. The poem also mirrors Poe's poor relationship with his foster-father John Allan. Like Poe, Tamerlane is of uncertain parentage, with a contrived name. (The name is a Latinized version of Timur, a 14th century warlord). Poe was 19 when he wrote Tamerlane (it was the first poem he had published), and his sense of loss came from the increasing possibility that he'd never see a penny of his inheritance and the knowledge that he had no funds to attend college after leaving the University of Virginia. Clearly a poem of youth, the poem explores themes Poe will repeatedly revisit throughout his life, especially his self-criticism and ongoing quest for perfection.

Does anyone remember this old show? Please help!!!?

This show was in the early 60s. It was like the Pete & Gladis Show. There was this couple, they had no kids, but they did have 3 chimps. that lived with them. All 3 chimps wore human clothes and the youngest name was Cindy. Do you remember? No one seems to remember that show, and I know that I didn't make it up.

Have your kids wanted Burger King Kids Meals more after seeing the Spongebob/Sir Mix a-Lot commercial?

BK argued that they have the commercials played during more adult programming, when faced with the allegation that it was inappropriate for young kids. The problem is, the commercial is selling kids meals so I'm curious if kids are seeing this commercial and if it's actually working on them or if it's directed toward adults some how... to have them buy the meals for their kids with them being only 99cents however they contain very little food, I would guess anyone above 12 couldn't sustain themselves on the meal. Am I wrong?

I NEED HELP, LIKE NOW!!!!!!!!!!?

i just got back from the pet store, and after holding a bunny and genie pig my whole face is red and my eyes itch really bad and my face burns! help!!! i already took Benadryl. we can't really go to the er, but if there is nothing else we can do...

Stopping "Connect Broadband Connection" popup?

We have Uverse, not broadband. Everytime I log on Firefox a popup titled "Connect Broadband Connection" appears. Causing the internet to not load - until i press the close on on the popup. How do I stop this popup? Once I x the popup out, then I finally can connect. But later it will reappear again. And then the cycle starts all over.

Which two RBs should I start this week?

I would go with Portis and Jackson. If Wesbrook is playing I would consider playing him instead of Portis.

Question about debate, capital punishment?

I would think the affirmative because you are supporting (or affirming) a policy that already exists.

DId i eat well today?

I ate some pretzels periodically throughout the day and I had a bowl of raisin bran, and 2 pieces of pizza. I'm going to have some vitamin water, and should i eat some candy?

I'm looking for some Manga. . .?

I read a lot of manga and I'm looking for some new stuff. I read a lot of romance titles like Ten no Ryuu Chi no Sakura, Hoshiyomi no Yogensha, and Sailor Fuku ni Onegai, with the supernatural twist in it. But I also like Himitsu no Himegimi Uwasa no Ouji and Beast Master. So basically I'm looking for a cute and/or funny romance manga and/or anime that's complete. Please help out ^-^

Best way to prepare for the PSAT?

I believe it depends on which state you are from, but it is always a 200 or above. Some small states have a 205 as the score while states like Texas can have a 220.

Virgin Mobile LG Optimus V or Motorola Triumph?

I was thinking about getting a new phone and upgrading from my Samsung Intercept on VM but I don't know if I should get the Optimus V or Triumph? I have seen many comparisons of the two, but none of them tell me if the Triumph is worth paying $150 more for it than the Optimus V. Because I have seen the full list of features for the Triumph but I was wondering if I could create my own mobile hotspot with the Triumph? I know for a fact that I can with the Optimus V by downloading QuickSettings via the Android Market, but can I with the Triumph? Also I know that the Optimus V comes with Live Wallpapers pre-installed and I know the Triumph does too. Does the triumph have a better battery if I did have mobile hotspot enabled? Which should I get? Should I pay $150 more for the larger screen, faster processor, front facing camera, and better screen resolution? I don't know, you tell me.

Everyone is a sinner so we all will go 2 hell?

i have sinned and so have you and the only reason you turn 2 god is because of your guillty conscious you try and make dieing a wonderfull thing when we are all scared look at the suiced bombers they only do it because they are brainwashed so this is why i cant find a faith and it saddens me deepley i love and cherish my family because they are here in the flesh and blood i will do a test 2night and prey 4 the 1st time in my life and 2morrow lets c if i c the light

Whats with the random words at the bottom of spam mail?

I was just looking at Microsoft Outlook from a while back when I was trying to get Yahoo to send mail to it, I got some of my Dads mail, some of which is spam. I was deleting it and paused for a second, and saw one that said "waggle roughen tartar desire don empress ruminate leeward may. notorious silicon croon monolith cretin rotor martha blossom or not beef substantial bissau songbag sense won mangle amnesia criteria honolulu derogatory pivate astronaut may." .... Makes no sense at all to me. Any ideas as to why this gibberish is there? I think I've seen it before so it's probably got something to do with getting past spamblockers or *something* but I dunno.

Why did they remove chris benoit fro mthe new sdvr08 game and wheres eddie guerrero he not on the legends wtf?

They removed Benoit because people where complaining not to do anything with him because he killed his family and the WWE had no choice about it And Eddie the didn't say

Is Emma Watson a ***** in real life?

she along with the harry potter cast doesn't seem like a typical celebrity getting drunk seeking attention for a purpose, she actually went uni during when she was making harry potter and alot of people were hating on her cause of her status

Pls help need advise?

I stay up at night crying cause of my life I have the felling of just wanting to leave when i try and help around the house it always ends in my mom getting mad at how I did it. My dad is always at work so I can't talk to him I don't know what to do. Any advise would help

Question about casey anthony?

i know im sooooooo late, but i never watched the new or heard it from anyone, but who is she cuz i just started watching the news today bcuz a family member was long has this trial been going on??? And y do ppl compare to oj simpson?? How long was his trial?? N is he guilty or innocent?

Just had my hair done......?

it looked fab when she finished blow drying and straightening it. But now that i've washed it myself i just cant seem to blow dry it to look as good and i hate it now! i have a side fringe that sort of goes across at the front and have lots of layers. Its my fringe mainly i have the poblem with. Any ideas?

Are they going to know my scar is from a hair transplant?

I don't know, but if they're stupid enough to reject you for a hair transplant, they don't deserve you, LOL.

How long did you last without dating after a long relationship (5yrs for me) was over?

Its been three mos since my sadden breakup and im not ready. Days i feel like i want to just go out and do whatever but then i do so and its awkward. Last nite for instance diffintiely made me realize im not ready to date or have anyone try to kiss me for that matter.

Lyrics by me, tell me what you think?

I like it! I'm a pretty tough critic, but this is actually good. Good job, I like the metaphoric language. Keep writing; you've got talent.

Good use, or bad use of taxpayer money?

And we do this even though he doesn't like us. It reminds me of the Sandinistas who didn't like us but took our money to fight their dirty little war. This is a total waste of our money. But as was once said, governement money is easy to spend because it doesn't appear to belong to anybody.

Does everyone really beleive that blacks are only for Obama?

No, not all blacks are voting for Obama. Just like not all whites are voting for McCain. However, the majority of the black population IS voting for Obama. The majority of the white population is not voting for McCain. They are split.

Why do I feel so ugly & like SUCH a failure!?

Is this a joke? If you were here i'd give you a smack. you're gorgeous. i still don't believe this is real, but on the off chance that you're serious, don't give what your mom thinks a second thought. again, if this is real, you might need some help with depression, because most girls would kill to look like you.

How do you determine good Tattoo Quality?

Props for being thorough! Good shading/coloring should have a smooth look. It shouldn't be choppy/you shouldn;t be able to see the individual strokes. It should have bright/highlighted areas and deep/shadow areas. A blow-out will look like ink spreading away from the outline under the skin.. would be really light but almost like a bruise. Also can look vieny. Also, look in his portfolio and check to see if he has healed pictures. That way you can make sure that when he puts a tattoo on the colors stay clear and bright and don't fall out. Good Question!

My maintenance payment is payable to the court?

They can put a lien on the house. In some states like Florida, an unpaid HOA payment not paid after 90 days can lead to foreclosure. I didn't believe it at first, but I saw it happen to a man on TV. Read the HOA doents and see if it is stipulated in the wording.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why were there such huge crowds of people cheering on Adolf Hitler when he was obviously insane?

I'm not sure, but I saw a doentary about that and the historians were saying how he first gained popularity by gaining peoples trust. His speeches were what people wanted to hear and the rest had to do with psychology. Sorry I don't remember everything but it was something amongst those lines.

Stomach Flu help please?

Start adding regular food back in slowly. Start with some cooked vegetables, then maybe some protein and see how you do. If you add a bit more each day you should be fine by the 4th.

Can an ear infection cause bronchitis?

no it more likely the other way around, bronchitis is an chest infection which usually causes other symptoms as well such as ear ache headache and so on. especially if left untreated.

How Many times can you Thaw out and re-freeze a rat (snake food)?

I have a red tail boa that sometimes will skip a meal, so when I thaw out a prey item I will have to re-freeze it again and save it till next time. How many times can I safely thaw out and re-freeze a rat before having to throw it out?

Which is the best private university for BBA in Bangladesh?

There is no particular ranking among the private universities in Bangladesh. In 2004 UGC(University Grants Commission) Bangladesh did the first ranking which shows North South University ranked 1st. After that there were no reliable ranking has been done.

Psychics, Ph.Ds, Professionals: Is there a significance in this?

I agree. There is no significance to this. It is merely an interesting coincidence. I suggest that you take a statistics cl to be able to know what he means by the "law of large numbers". In short: It was bound to happen to someone. That doesnt make that someone special, just lucky.

Wedding Favors? I have ideas, but want some more.?

Yumm! my husband and I both love skittles and he LOVES nerds! I think that those are great ideas. you cant please everyone when it comes to wedding favours. so I say do what you want to do. at least this way if you have left overs or people forget them its something you can enjoy rather then something that would go to waste.

Why I cant get a Colombian pport with my consular report born abroad FS-240?

I am from colombia because I was born in colombia but in the colombian emby they say that they want a colombian birth certificate I do not know why they want a colombian birth certificate if my consular report says that I was born in colombia and I from colombia.

Is this a detail that I should include or not?

It doesn't creep me out at all. If it's part of the story, Lily, then put it in! I know my favourite author writes series in the world of Tortall, and each of her female heros always go through getting their cycle for the first time and they have to go out and get a protective charm for it. It's part of the story, so it needs to be in. If you feel its important, put it in Lils :}

Has the "robocalls" made McCains Campaign look narrower?

..Robocalls are cheap, and they keep talking about him because they do not have anything to bring to the table when it comes to the ISSUES.

Labor Charge for Building a 21' x 11' Deck?

Practically on the ground. No stairs or railing. Going to drill ledger board into concrete foundation. Some digging required, but not much. Located in Florida. All P.T. lumber

My girlfriend and i are having problems talking?

All the guys I've met so far are like that. I would want them to show a little affection when I'm upset. Just tell her everything will be fine soon. Stuff like that. Maybe kiss and cuddle her. It's not really hard. I don't understand why men can't do it.

American idol tonight! next week finals!!eek?

i agree with you on everything! thatsw exactly what i thought lol. i voted adam and kris because kris did amazing tonight and adam always does great. except he seemed a little off tonight i dont know why.

Buying snowboard. Good prices, brands, etc. need experianced advice - 10 points!?

I have the Salomon Lily. its a fantastic board, greta for park, or just cruisin'(: that probablly didnt help.. but good luck! Keep on shreddin!

Does Sarah Palin agree with her church’s teaching that Jews are ‘intractably rebellious and cursed’? ?

Palin definitely needs to disociate herself with Brickner, an obvious anti-Semite, just as Obama has done with Wright and McCain belatedly did with Hagee and Parsley. It is unclear at this point if Palin agrees with Brickner about Jews, but the longer this remains an issue the more people will believe she does.

Dogs have a problem with keeping their collars on.. any advice?

Well, I'm not sure how this would be, good or bad....but if you supervise them at first, you could maybe try chain. But depending on how vigorously your dogs attempt removing their collars, it may be too much. That is a point, what type of collars are they, if you could get them tailor made. My collie chewed her first collar by the time I'd cleaned her bowl, she was in the same room as well! The collar was only cheap, but we got a Red Dingo which is great and its lasted more than 7 weeks, so try a better one.

Poll: Do twilight obsessors annoy you?

I for one love twilight, but I prefer not to hear about the same series 24/7. At school, someone absolutely *always* finds someway to turn the conversation back to twilight. "Hey ___, did you see that movie last night?" "Oh yeah, it was great." "You know the main character's hair reminded me of Edward." "That's cool." " Lyk, OMG! Isn't he lyk soooooo totally hot????" "Shut up." Something like that. So what do you people think? Tired of the fangirls? (geez. I'm just asking for hatemail, aren't I? Don't kill me!!)

How can I make this better?

'Getting the better', rather than 'getting the best'; otherwise it reads well to me. Comma after 'Noah' or take away comma before 'Noah'.

What does it mean when Idream my granddaughter is drowning ?

Tonite I had a horrible dream that I was in a very large home ashared with another much younger couple. My granddaughter cam to visit. She was somehow outside in a playpen it was raining and she called to me that she was wet. I grabbed her out of the playpen thrw the window the wate was up to her neck. I then changed her clothes and she was sleeping with us. Next I was walking around this ome and it ahd strange waterfalls, and several large spa like baths and then she walked into a shallow pool knne length and slowly sunk to the depth that I could not reach. I could not call for help I was paralyzed with fright. She kept gong up and down her red hair flowing , when she would get to thetop she would scream grandma ! She is ony two. I woke up with a racing heart.....Sometimes I dream thigns ahead of time... I am very worried. I did dream I would be divorced, long b4 I was, that I would have this red haired baby when no one has red hair. Several other things I am too upset to rememebr !

How to know when crock pot roast is done?

I cooked my roast in the crockpot for 10 hours, but when I looked at it, it was very tender, fell apart, but still looked a little pink! Is it done? How do I tell? I'm scared to eat it when there is a little pink.

Why do I look lke this? (example pics)?

I have the exact same problem!! my is a size 12/14 but the rest of me is a size 6/8!!! UK sizes btw lol. It is stupid because when I am at the gym I only work my legs and theighs but all my weight just comes off my and arms which I don't need I look too scrawny! what I find helps is drinking plenty of water and fruit and veg etc...but also walking alot helps as well i found that since i started living in town where i walk EVERYWHERE my legs have really slimmed down and so has my it is getting down to a size 10/12 which is ideal :) good luck :)

Government says "Eat less salt." With examples like this, do we need the gov't telling us what/what not to eat?

a href=""…/a

HELP Christmas/Secret santa party ideas!?

Start a story chain related to Christmas. The object: the person begins with a story and it is picked up with the next person with each given a 3 minute time limit. The very last person must complete the story.

Which names sound the most original/ pretty for a girl Chihuahua?

The names I like so far are Blondie, Cupcake, Fiesta, Gypsy, Pixie, Candy, Chiquita, Toots (like tootsie), Twiggie, Doll or Dolly, Genie, Zelda, Barbie, Roxy, Giselle, or Thalia

When should I plant my new fig tree?

You can plant it now, make sure the soil has lots of vitamins/good bag of vegetable soil mixed in & water. When it starts to get a little colder, you can actually box the tree in. When I lived in NJ, I actually wrapped the tree up for the winter in blankets, then a final coat of burlap & rope to hold it together. The tree did great ~ can't imagine that GA will be any near the cold temperatures that NJ had. Good luck with the Fig Tree!

Why can't I sharpen my knife?

just bought a smiths tri hone stone set for 20$ because i know I'm not good at sharpening knives, so i didn't want to buy something expensive if i couldn't use it properly. The blade i am currently trying to put a good edge on is the gerber evo jr. It seems like i have a good consistency of every thing when i am trying to sharpen it but its just not working out. I would like to just be able to push it through paper like er but it just can barely get started into the paper. Any suggestions?

Have you guys noticed the "WWE Superstars" invading this section?

Cryme Tyme would be a good transition champion team.....I would like to see the division actually mean something and having Shelton & Haas wearing the straps would really be a start (defeating Cryme Tyme and then carrying the title into the fall).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

America's Got Talent.?

Please all American's, don't judge the British by that wannbe Simon Cowl useless newspaper toff, Piers whatshisface. The guy makes my stomach churn and most of us Brit's thinks he's an idiot too.

How do I unpregenanate this women!!?

so last week i was like in a boat with my honey darling then things got wild like those lions from simba and she started touching my hong kongs and I couldnt help it, i didnt have any comdons at the time but i was like REAALLYL horrny i so she took off her dress then we did it and yesterday she called me on my iPhone 3G and said she took a pregnante tester and said she was pregnante, i dont want child how do i delete her from my honey bunnies tummy? Please help i dont want to get in trouble!!

Is smoking poison ivy bad?

This person is no friend. Smoking poison ivy is a horrible idea, and could be life threatening to some people. You know what allergic reactions can happen, red-itchy-miserable skin. Imagine the same reaction inside of your lungs, mouth, and airways! Yikes!!! Only take advice from people you look up to, are doing better then you, or have your best interest @ heart.

Why won't my computer won't power on?

I tested the power supply, and the switch to the case and they both are fine. I have hard drives plugged in so I know the power supply has a load. Any ideas? It's an old ATX case.

What was that show on nickelodeon in the late 80's?

It was a skit show. kinda like SNL but for kids. Alanis Morrisette was on it and she was a kid then. Everytime anyone said I don't know, green slime came down on their heads! It wasn't double dare. It was not a game show. It is driving me batty! I watched it ALL the time but I can't remember the name!

Standing wraps for trailering?

can i use the ones on a href="" rel="nofollow" (scroll to the bottom and go up five) can i use those quilted forest green standing wraps (r-54) to use as leg protection for a 30 or 40 min trailer ride with polos over? and should i get bell boots also for protection, and how do i know what size bell boots to get? ALSO feel free to look at the website it has a lot of good stuff for cheap. and they ship fast i got my bit and lunge line there in like three days :) anyways thank you

I need a resume, pleeeeease!?

Hello everyone I'm italian and I need a short resume of the follow text: " CIM is the target of all modern factories nowadays. It exploit the full potential of CAD/CAM technology by combining a wide range of computer-aided activities, including product design and manifacturing, marketing, component costing and the full control of every production process.CAD can be used in the many stages of the design process, enabling the design to be rearranged visualized, modified and further developed.CAM is then used to convert the design of the component to be manufactured into computer language, which conveys precise instructions to the computer as regards the machining operations to be carried out. The computer sends these instructions on to automatic controller which will direct the machining operations." Thank you in advance for ur answer!!!

Is this safe for my baby?

I was sanitizing his bottles in a bag that boils (sanitizing bags) and i put his teething rings in there. They have gel in them. Well (duh me) they melted and his bottles were also in the bag. It doesnt look like anything is on the bottles so i washed them and sanitized them again in a new bag. should i just throw out all his bottles or do you think theyll be ok?

1.5 lbs at week 28 unborn child?

My unborn child weight is 1.5 lbs (700 gms) at week 28. My first child weight was 5.5 lbs (2.5 kgs) only. is it normal?

Tips on how to conserve energy or lower carbon emission?

Walk or ride a bicycle instead of driving a car. Turn your stereo off. Turn your computer off. Turn your lights off. Take a cool short shower. Shower once a week only when you need it. If it is yellow, let it mellow, if it is brown, flush it down. Let your hair naturally dry instead of using a blow drier.

I love her, but does she love me?

aaw this is really sweet stuff :) you sound lyk a realllly nice guy and i have no idea why shes not interested. it kinda sounds lyk she lyks you, but maybe shes afraid to take the next step to dating. i think you should have spilled out your heart to her in person, that way you couldve seen her reaction and you wouldve seen how she said the "i love you too" thing. so i think you could try talking to her face to face, and see where it goes from there. you seem lyk a really sweet guy, i hope this all works out for you :)

Do i have a happy guine pig?

I have 1 guinea pig and i was just wondering i only can play with her for like 30 min a day, but she has loads of toys and a snuggle in her cage, do you think she is happy and how long do you think she will live, i am very attached to her now...... :)

We're worried about our 10gal filter being too strong?

We just replaced our entire filter because it was doing a crappy filtration job, and we got a tetra whisper for up to 20gal. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a sort of like that one. We have one molly (aggressive) in the tank, and it seems like she has to fight a tad harder to swim. Is there any way to keep the current less?

Vampire baseball (BD SPOILER)?

Well Esme was the catcher, Alice the pitcher, Jasper was first base, and it looked like Edward and Emmett were outfielders. I would think Bella would cover second or third. I dont think they had anyone covering those areas because they were so fast they didnt need anyone to.

Bristol or Exeter Uni for Astro physics masters?

I might possibly have a offer from both uni's, but i think i will need a little help, if and when the time comes to pick. In the end i would like to go into research, so if anyone has any back ground knowlage or info on these uni's, that would be amazing. Also if anyone has studied at either uni's, please please please tell me how you liked it there, it would be a big help.

Why are there so many misconceptions about the Catholic Church and Catholicism in general?

Many years ago I went shopping in a Christian Book store where I found, in the children's section, little pamphlets with cartoons in it attacking the Catholic Church and the Pope. This upset me so I took the literature to the store manager and asked why it was being sold here, especially to children. His response was that Catholics normally do not shop here. If people are taught from their youth to be anti Catholic, then it is no surprise that they are also so as adults.

How do you say I love you in finnish?

Yep, those are the words, and they can't really be condensed any further. Finnish is a really long drawn out harsh language with large words that mean small things, so that's the best and shortest answer you will get for I love you in Finnish.

Wait A second here, now the Kurds are rebels?

yes you are missing a lot the Kurds want a seperate country the have been terrorists in Turkey for a long time Before Saddam there was the Kurds it is just a matter of covenient memories of news reporters the Leader of the Kurds is in jail in Turkey for terrorist crimes against Turkey lest we forget Turkey is our friend the Kurds are Turkeys enemy Turkey is our ally get the picture

Question About Todd Haley (Cardinals OC)?

I think it wasn't his best, but remember this was the number one Defense in the NFL that they were up against, and Pitt had 2 free weeks to game plan this to shut down the playmakers and they got it done until late in the game. But you are right i did feel he was conservative and he threw a ton of check down pes, but thats what the Defense gave him and he went with it. Also, it could be a bit of nerves and pressure. The Cards fans have had nothing to cheer about for years and in probably the biggest game they ever played I'm sure he was a bit timid to call the "big" plays

Hey, please check out my fantasy football team...?

Not great, decent. No depth at all. You start 2 RB's and you only hhave 1 good one. Jacobs and Droughns might be splitting. Recivers are nothing great but decent.. TE's okay. Overall its a 6/10 for no depth

AT&T communication manager wont stay installed?

AT&T communication manager (for laptop aircard ?) wont stay INSATLLED even though the AT&T icon is downloaded on my desktop screen. Every time i startup my computer TRU-INSTALL (Sierra Wireless) pop-ups force me to re-install the manager. Happens every single time. Computer itself works fine except for this feature. Without re-installing each time, no connection. No AT&T updates available at this time. Any advice?

Bon Jovi Concert Is this a problem i should be worried about?...?

ok i am going to a bon jovi concert next week in ireland, punchestown, race course and on my ticket it says strictly under 16 year olds must be accompained by a 18 year old. I'm 16 does that mean that i need to be with an 18 year old?

What is the biggest advantage to batting left?

I've noticed for the most part that a lot of the great players and home run hitters that a lot batted left. There is some balance though with both. 3 of the 6 players to hit 600 home runs batted left and three batted right (soon to be 4 when A-Rod becomes the 7th) Of course Babe Ruth,Barry Bonds and Ken Griffey Jr batted left and Hank Aaron, Willie Mays and Sammy Sosa batted right as does Alex Rodriguez. It might be that a lot of pitchers are right handed or that most ball parks benefit left hitters. Is there something else to it.

How do you convince your parents to buy you something worth 30-50 bucks?

Do some work around the house so that you are "earning" the money/tablet. Also just be nice to them, ask them nicely, and be on your best behavior and perhaps they will see you've earned it.

How do you file a covenant wedding certificate at a courthouse in a state that doesn't recognize it?

Any contract written up and signed by witnesses is a legal doent that can be recorded at any courthouse, so how does a person convince a court that a covenant wedding certificate is a legal doent that can be filed even though the state only recognizes the state marriage license?

Theres a problem?

Well I can pick up girls and all but theres this girl who i really like i know its stupid but i think i felling for her. The only problem is this girl is 15 and i'm 24 Shes in love with me too or maybe confuse.

Tom Cruise..golden globe? Are you kidding me?

Does anyone know why Tom Cruise was nominated for a 5 minute cameo for some crappy movie? To be a supporting actor, shouldn't you have a bigger role in the movie than that? How is it that the Dark Knight got the same amount of nominations as Pineapple express? Instead of nominating Tom Cruise, they could have nominated Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, or Michael Caine for best supporting actor alongside Heath Ledger. What are you opinions of the nominations?

What changes should I make to my squad?

I would improve your first baseman and maybe one more starting pitcher, Rich Harden is injury prone.

Should I give this taurus man another chance?

Sooo this Taurus man (guy friend) asked me out on a date, we used to live like 5 mins from each other but since I moved back home I'm an hour he told me to come down to his area (so he can take me out) where most of my friends live anyways and he would pick me up from my girl friends. He told me to come down on saturday and to text him when I get into town and he would pick me up for dinner. So I drove down on Saturday got there at like 6 and I texted him tellin him I'm in town, I waited 2 hours and he texted me back saying sorry taking a nap. So I said ok. Another hour goes by and now its 9 o'clock, so I said hey I drove down cause u wanted to hang out and I haven't heard from u since so I'm going out with friends. He texted me back saying sorry I was about to text u, I am sick and started throwing up and I havent moved since then he said I didn't mean to ditch out on u. So I said well im sorry u feel sick u coulda told me earlier. He gives me No Reply...then texts me in the morning saying sorry again.....I ignored it and later that day he ims me and says hey I know ur pissed and I'm really sorry and I feel I said well yeah I was upset cause I drove in, but its watever. So he said I know and I would love to make it up to u. I just said well I dunno if u really wanna date me and he says well why do u say that.....but then I left it at that and signed off. So I really don't know if he'll ask me out again and if he does, should I give him another chance??

Younger AFL Players Getting Picked on?

**It happens a lot and it's just to try and rough up the younger players and put them off their game. They need to expect that kind of thing when they're playing at the highest level and it's the best way to toughen them up.**

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What color should I paint my nails to go with my homecoming dress?

Our homecoming theme this year is jungle, and I'm wearing this really short, tight cheetah print dress with black peep-toe heels. The dress colors are similar to real cheetah print (golden and black-ish), so i was thinking about painting my nails either black or red. Which color?

Was it weird of me to send my guy friend a Valentines Day card?

that sounds very platonic to me. I wouldn't over-think it. If he gets weirded out just say you send all your friends Valentines Day cards. It's not totally out there.

What should I name my Nissan Versa?

In my family we need names for our cars so we know which one is which. And frankly, calling it by it's model make or color seems a bit boring to us. We have a Toyota Rav4 who's name is Razzmataz (The Razz) and a Saturn who's name is Sadie. We just got a Nissan Versa, and I'm having a tough time trying to find a name for it. Any ideas?

Edge James and Bernard Berrian for Santonio Holmes and Leon Washington??Fantasy Football trade help???

I give up Edge and Berrian to basically get one guy Santonio Holmes. I could care less about Leon Washington. My starting rb's are AP, Portis and EarnestGraham. Receivers are Colston and Greg Jennings. With Chris Chambers, Bernard Berrian and James Hardy on my bench. So i could really use Holmes or would i just have a guy like Greg Jennings wasting away on the bench while Holmes is a starter. My back running backs then become real thin, having Leon Washington and Felix Jones, pretty much guys that wont play. Everyone is just down on Edge but he is a servicable flex guy if Earnest Graham gets injured?? any help appreciated thanks!

Who went to the Prelude to the Dream..?

Was it a cool experience? Did you have fun? Did you meet any drivers? Just fill me in with the details please..My family are I are thinking about going next year and I want to know if it is worth it? Thanks alot...Enjoy this weekend's race!!! I know I will, I'm going!!!

Is this a BFP? *pics*?

I see one line, but pics on the net aren't as good as real life. So, you may see a line that we can't. Try again in two days with FMU. good luck and baby dust!!

How to turn the pause off when i press caps lock on my keyboard.?

i have just recently bought the advent roma 2000 and for some unknown and stupid reason when i press caps lock there is a delay of about 3 secs before i can type this happens when im going to upper or lower case. can anyone help me please im not sure if its my laptop or weather its because im on windows 7.


were can I find filter to down load on to my computer. son is down load junk on to the computer. need som e hlp plz

Am I the only person who wasn't impressed by The Dark Knight?

I thought Heath Ledger went above and beyond as The Joker and I think he should at least be nominated for best actor, but I really didn't think the movie as a whole was all that special.

My hubby & I have been married over 30 years, at 35 yrs we want to be "remarried"?

Has anyone done this? Any unique suggestions on what to do? We want to renew our vowels and celebrate with our kids and family. We've not only been married over 30 years, but we dated for almost 9 before marrying! I want to make this not only special to us, but for our kids and their spouses and to be a role model. Thank you very much.

I have a engineers residence in UAE . I have a job offer from kuwait.Do i have to go to india?

I am an engineer in UAE and i have an offer from Kuwait. Do i have to get back to India to satmp my entry permit before going to Kuwait. Do i need a medical being a resident of UAE .

Why is it so hard to get a girlfriend?


Concerned about my mother in law.?

My mother in law confided in me that over the last year or so her have recessed into the fatty tissue of her . I have urged her to go to the doctor to check this out, but she refuses. Does anyone know if this is a medical issue or just nothing to really worry about? Any information will be greatly appreciated. Only serious replys please...if you are going to be a smarta**, just keep it to yourself. Thanks.

Did you cheer when you found out Jerry Falwell died?

I know, it sounds terrible, but I heard he died and I applauded outloud. He was nothing but a bigot, twisting scripture in an attempt to make people less tolerant. That is the LAST thing we need as a society and a species.

86 prelude idles at 2500?

my 86 honda prelude idles at 2500 when i start it and it stays there till i drive it how can i get it to go down

Can anyone recommend me some good music?/dance,pop, and hip-hop?

I like M.I.A., Robyn, Manu Chao, Cibo Matto, Madonna, Kylie Minogue, Rip Slyme, The Cool Kids, Bloc Party and U2. I need something that's fun and up-beat and stands out from the rest of the crowd and doesn't sound like anything else I've heard.

Dream Interpet ? wedding and tattoo ?

It does not mean death here, except in the sense if you get married as everyone wants you to, it will be a death of your dreams. Everyone in the dream is happy except you. Don't let people push you to do things or to be with people you do not want to. Instead, follow your dreams, like the dream to get the Edgar Allen Poe poem tattoo'd on you. It is your life.

Why has god changed his policy on killing all of the babies in a nation?

In the old testament, god didn't seem to mind killing all the babies of egypt, all of the babies in the world + pregnant women (flood), and all of the pregnant women + babies of Sodom. I know he killed these children due to the geographic proximity to sinners, but why doesn't he kill children anymore like he used to?

Will the human rights group finally get their act together and ban "teleprompter torture" from Obama?

I would prefer water boarding any day of the week instead of the daily "teleprompter torture" from the the Marxist Obama, in POW camps they used loud speakers to break down those in the camps, Obama is trying the same torture tactics on us with his propaganda.

Hollister Fleece Pants!!!?

Ok so I dont buy jeans from hollister because they are way to small. I wear a size 14 at old navy (no jokes please, i know im a big girl). 11, In Vigoss jeans. I was wondering if I order a pair of Hollister Fleece pants online would a large fit?

For how long has Mars been a red planet?

looking at so many pictures from the mars rovers, it looks like red dust ( iron oxide) covers everything... but under that we see various patches of white soil, the rocks when brushed off are not usually red... maybe the red covering is more recent from a large iron rich volcanic eruption , spread around by the Martian wind. maybe a million years ago or so..

How to burn fats fast?

I'm 14(Guy). I used to be thin when i worked out with my cousins. But they moved to another state and i stopped working out. I got kinda fat. No very though. Just i little fat on my stomach and my hips. Im interested in taking up kickboxing, muay thai then jiu jitsu :3 Basically, i wanna get into the UFC someday :) I started jogging yesterday. I can jog non-stop for 10 minutes. I doubt thats good enough. So, I need to know what i should eat and the workouts i need to do to lose weight and burn my fats as fast as possible. Like what i need to eat before jogging, breakfast, lunch and dinner. P.s. I carry 6kg weight every morning and in the evening and i have little biceps lol. I went for a kickboxing trial cl and the instructor dude person said i'm good enough but i wanna be thin when i get into competitions and stuff. Thanks.

In need of a love problem for a sonnet?

I have to write a journal that will be the topic for a sonnet in school. For the journal i need a real or fictional "love" problem that a person might face. It can be love for a friend or true love. Please say any ideas that i may use. There is a lot more to do with the journal so you are not doing the work for me. THank you very much for your help.

1990's Children games torrents or downloads help?

I've been searching for these games for hours now and I can't find them anywhere. I've decided to let go of my search for Carmen Sandiego (1996-1997) so now I'm searching for Jumpstart 1-5th grades or anything like it. I miss the old games, they had meaning unlike the ones the kids have now. Does anyone know where I can find these games, I have a Macbook OS X 10.6.7 and a Windows 7. So I need them to be compatible with one of thoes

How did you come up with your kid(s) names?

I always loved the names Daisy-Lyllian and Rozannah. I always thought it would be wicked cool to have 3 flowers and I was thrilled when I had Identicals

A bird stands on a dc electric line.?

A bird stands on a dc electric transmission line carrying 2460 A (Fig. 18-34). The line has 2.8 multiplied by 10-5 resistance per meter and the bird's feet are 4.0 cm apart. What is the potential difference between the bird's feet? I got an answer of 0.00246 V and it is not correct. Please help.

Howard Stern fist keychain!!!!!!!!?

Call into the show, tell him you are a big fan, and see if he has any left he could give out. They must have extra keychains left. i know he is doing s bunch of promotion for Sirius this week, so give it a try!!!!!

Chest pain ociated with phlegm in my throat?

on monday (memorial day) my throat started to hurt, no coughing. tuesday i was coughing and is now wednesday and when i woke i had chest pain and a lot of phlegm in my throat. ( i have been around seven people who had pneumonia this last week ) is this just t common cold or could it be bronchitis or pneumonia ?

Monday, August 8, 2011

What do you think of the beginning of my story?

I think this another great piece, i currently enjoy reading Jodi Picoult, who jumps from past to present, i really enjoy this. Can i ask what happened to Sarah who i presume is the lost wife and mother. I would really like to know.

Computer building suggestions?

If you're trying to go a good cheap route, I recommend checking out some of TigerDirect's bare bones systems, which you can get for as little as $199, and then add in whatever other components you prefer. For $200 you could get a Asus M2N68-AM PLUS PowerUp Barebones Kit - Asus M2N68-AM PLUS Mobo, AMD Athlon X2 7850 BE CPU, Crucial 2GB PC6400 DDR2, WD 500GB Caviar Blue HD, PowerUp ATX Mid-Tower Case, 450-Watts Power Supply. That's as good or better on your specs, just drop in your GPU and whatever else you want to add. They have other kits, too, but they start to go more expensive. Good luck with that.

Should Obama resign if Joe Biden promises to pardon him?

Maybe we can get Clinton to offer Obama some "non paying job" somewhere far away from DC if he would promise to leave and never ever come back

Seriously, if you won the lotto would it answer all your problems? What would you spend it on?

It would help out a lot that's for sure. I would buy a house, pay for the rest of my education, and pay up bills.

If you could bring 10 things/people back into the WWE what would it be?

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin 2. The Rock 3.TV-14 4.DX 5.More Extreme Matches 6.Blood 7. Brock Lesnar 8. Goldberg 9. The McMahons 10. The Alliance

Is it normal to go through a process questioning and exploring my religion?

Nox, I'm sorry to hear you are going through a difficult time. Nox, unfortunately Mankind is bound to have the characteristic of not being too comprehensive and judgmental. You are not the only one who goes through this situation of questioning faith. In fact, I can ure you that everyone does; perhaps even your own family but of course some people prefer to keep it within them and follow the norms. The thing here is that you've found another source of happiness and Comfort that gives you faith. God is everywhere and in whatever religion you choose to follow, God is watching upon us even in the hard moments Nox. So when you feel so comforted at the beach that is also because God is there in nature form. Nox, you're family may be having difficulty in understanding you at the moment, but soon they will learn to respect your choice. Because life is made of only your choices, sometimes we allow for others opinions to contribute to our decision making process but ultimately the human being is born to make his or her own decisions which will shape his or her own life.

When did your baby start sleeping in a crib?

My son is 4 months old.. and I am thinking that he is probably growing out of his binet.. or will soon. What age did your child begin sleeping in a crib and what method did you use to make it go smoothly. Currently, he naps fine in his crib. I place him in it with lullabies and he can usually put himself to sleep. Suggestions please.. thanks.

Why gas so expensive? I thought we went to Iraq for the oil. Now its the price of cocaine, man. I either want?

Haha nice one. Unfortunately we didnt go to Iraq for the oil. You have been listening to some leftist talking points. But it was a funny post!

What is a chemical element?

Ozone would technically be a compound. But because it contains only Oxygen it is an elemental compound. All matter is comprised of atoms, these atoms are the individual elements that make up the chemicals that we see (such as ozone). An element is just a specific kind of atom. The different atoms have different protons, neutrons, and electrons, depending on the quantity of each.

Peoples views on Evangelical Marriages?

My 21 year old son is due to be married, he dated the girl for over a year and recently got engaged, within 1 week he announced in a couple of months he was getting married. He continued the marriage would be in an evangelical hall and the marriage carried out by a member of the church getting a special licence. I have difficulty accepting this as I have another beleif, although I am not religious. My view is marriages should only be conducted by a minister and refuse to accept a lay preacher with a special licence. In conclusion I have said I will not attend his marriage, which saddens me greatly, and I will not accept the girl, who is a fantastic person as my daughter-in-law. Would people please advise, this a very serious issue.

Engine runs poorly when first started?

Your car is an '82 which means it has a carburetor, not fuel injection. The carb. may need to be either rebuilt or adjusted. If it runs ok after it warms up, the choke may be out of adjustment. Take the car to a good mechanic who has experience with carburetors, and he will fix it right up. You saying it runs better if you rev it up tells me the carb. is loading up with gas, more than it needs, which again points me toward the choke. Revving the engine wont really do any damage as long as your not revving it ridiculously high. Get your carb. rebuilt, and it will run better cold, and get much better fuel economy. Good luck.

To learn Arabic language...?

No better dialect, its a matter of preference. Arabic is a hard language to learn and the grammer is difficult. good luck

Packers or Colts? Who do you think will win?

Who is your pick? I have alot of respect for the Green Bay Packers. But I'm a Colts fan so I hope they can pull it off. The Colts played a nearly flawless game in Indy last week. They demolished the Ravens 31 - 3. But This Green Bay Packers football team is a very good football team. They are very balanced all across the Board. But The Colts seem to be getting better as the season progresses. I'm trying to be as neutral as I can in deciding this, but I'm gonna say the Colts will win. Peyton is on fire right now and the defense is doing much better.

I installed Kubuntu and deleted partitions...?

Boot from the windows CD and choose repair; restore mbr and fix boot sector. This will get you booting into windows.